We have always followed CDC recommendations and have made adjustments accordingly.
Persons who have completed one of the vaccine regiments or have contracted Covid-19 and recovered are advised they may resume all activities they enjoyed prior to the pandemic and are no longer required to wear a mask. However, if you have not been vaccinated or recovered from the virus, we ask that you wear a mask while in our facilities.
The majority of our staff has been vaccinated, but those who have not will continue to wear masks for the safety our families and students.
At no time should parents bring a child if anyone in their household is ill, has a fever or cough, has recently traveled internationally or to a U.S. hot spot or has tested positive for Covid 19 with in the last two weeks.

Students should continue to enter and exit through the designated doors of all buildings.
Students are still required to bring their own water bottles and to have them clearly labeled. There will be no access to the water fountains.
Our lobbies are now opened to allow access to wall monitors for viewing of students in their classrooms. We have limited seating for the time being to minimize overcrowding. We respectfully request that families limit the number of spectators to 2 family members at a time to allow space for other families.
For the safety of all, please respect our directional signs entering and exiting our parking lots.
Our objective is to provide exceptional instruction for all students as well as provide the cleanest and safest environment possible. We appreciate your business and the opportunity to work with your children!
UPDATED: June 8th 2021